
Friday, November 30, 2018

Loose Feathers #674

Common Loon / Photo by Bill Thompson/USFWS
Birds and birding news
Science and nature blogging
Conservation and biodiversity
Climate change and environmental politics

Friday, November 23, 2018

Loose Feathers #673

White-breasted Nuthatch / Photo by Courtney Celley/USFWS
Birds and birding news
Science and nature blogging
Conservation and biodiversity
Climate change and environmental politics
  • A study found that the U.S. could reduce a fifth of its carbon emissions through reforestation.
  • Social media has sparked a surge in visitors to national parks and other public lands, but many parks do not have the resources to handle the extra crowds.
  • Climate change is altering the jet stream and creating weird effects like extreme heat in western North America and extreme cold in eastern North America. 
  • There was a major oil spill off Newfoundland.
  • France is insisting on the EU's climate change regulations being part of any Brexit deal.
  • The Trump administration wants to expand drilling in the National Petroleum Reserve, which would affect caribou and other wildlife.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Loose Feathers #672

Lesser Scaup / Photo by Krista Lundgren/USFWS
Birds and birding news
Science and nature blogging
Conservation and biodiversity
Climate change and environmental politics

Friday, November 09, 2018

Loose Feathers #671

Red-necked Phalarope / USFWS Photo
Birds and birding news
Science and nature blogging
Conservation and biodiversity
Climate change and environmental politics

Friday, November 02, 2018

Loose Feathers #670

Bald Eagle / Photo by Tom Koerner/USFWS
Birds and birding news
Science and nature blogging
Conservation and biodiversity
Climate change and environmental politics