
Friday, October 07, 2005

Rain, Rain, Rain

Today and for the next few days we are getting heavy rain from the remnants of Tropical Storm Tammy, plus a cold front moving from the northwest. We may see 3-4 inches between now and Saturday night. The rain is much needed because a drought has persisted in the region since August. The rainfall in September was only 0.11 inches, the least since 1884. The drought has been severe enough to make the Potomac dip below normal streamflow levels.

After the rains pass, it appears that temperatures should finally get back to normal. With few strong cold fronts, the temperatures have been well above normal. Even today, with its heavy cloud cover, has reached 75ºF, as opposed to the normal high of 71ºF.

The steady stream of air from the south has kept temperatures warm, and it seems to have reduced bird migration to a trickle rather than the waves that accompany northerly winds. Perhaps with the passage of these storms we will get another wave.

Update (4 pm): We just had a very heavy downpour in downtown Washington. The rain was so heavy at one point that it started setting off car alarms.

Update: As of 9:11 pm, the District had received 2.40 inches of rain. Elsewhere, Augusta County in Virginia had received close to 9 inches.

Update (Sat. morning): Unfortunately the rain has been knocking out power across the region. The heavy rain and flood warnings have also prompted cancellation of some events on the Mall.

Update (Sat. afternoon): As of 11:06 am, Washington had received 5.39 inches of rain. We have been getting pretty steady rain since then, so I imagine it has gone over 6, at least. This may break some records. Baltimore County was up to 9.5 inches.