
Sunday, November 13, 2005

Loose Feathers #4

More links from around the internet about birds, birding, and the environment.

  • A recent study has shown that birds on islands can return and colonize the mainland, and not only the other way around. See here for a summary and explanation.
  • The neotropic cormorant that has been observed in Maryland has moved on from Violette's Lock to Pennyfield Lock. (Monitor MDOsprey for updates.) With a little luck, maybe it will continue moving downstream and spend a little time in D.C. After all, what's the point of coming this far north if it's not going to visit the tourist destinations in the nation's capital? :-)
  • The DC Audubon Society will have its next field trip next Saturday, November 19, to Blackwater NWR. Directions and contact info are on the DCAS webpage.
  • Cave swallows were seen in Ohio for the first time this week. The event was not just notable for being the first record in that state, but also for the numbers in which they appeared. One birder estimated about 70 swallows, spread over two flocks. Like other southern species, cave swallows frequently appear along migration routes north of their range during autumn, as Kenn Kaufman explained in some messages reproduced here.
  • Apparently there has been a rise in grizzly bear shootings in Montana over the past two years: 21 bears over two years as opposed to an average of 3 per year for the previous thirteen years. It is not clear if the rise in killings is coincidental or part of a concerted effort. The article is interesting from the standpoint that it looks at demographic changes in Montana and the "New West," and resulting cultural conflicts.
  • A North American birder has observed 700 species this year. (List here.)