
Monday, January 09, 2006

Sightings Wrap-up for 2005

Many birders do not keep track of what they have seen, and some even look down upon listing, especially competitive listing or "twitching." I, however, do keep a life list and lists for various localities. Here are the numbers from 2005.
  • Species seen in DC in 2005: 143
  • Overall DC list: 181
I saw fewer species in DC in 2005 than I did in 2004, when I saw 172. However, I did add six new species to my DC list: snow goose, willow flycatcher, yellow-breasted chat, barred owl, bay-breasted warbler, and northern harrier.

Species seen in states outside DC in 2005
  • New Jersey: 166
  • Maryland: 127
  • Delaware: 112
Top six birding locations for 2005
  • National Arboretum, DC: 106
  • Kenilworth Park and Aquatic Gardens, DC: 89
  • Bombay Hook NWR, DE: 85
  • Sandy Hook, NJ: 78
  • Great Swamp NWR, NJ: 78
  • Rock Creek Park, DC: 67
It is no surprise to see the arboretum at the top of this list, since it is my bread-and-butter birding location. Out-of-state locations move up the list quickly because one or two trips there at the right times can yield high species counts, while the local spots require a bit more diligence and regular visitation.