
Friday, February 10, 2006

Friday Gull Blogging #3

It's Friday, which means it is time for another edition of Friday Gull Blogging! Some people photograph cats, some dogs, and others squid. I photograph gulls. Why? Well, since I live in a city I cannot be too picky about my photographic subjects. If I want to photograph birds, I need to take what is available to me.

Unlike many other birds, gulls - especially ring-billed gulls - are tolerant of humans approaching at relatively close range. This makes them especially easy to photograph.

Gulls' relative ease also makes it easy to watch how they behave around each other. Now the two gulls below are not doing much of anything for this picture, but they were interacting more before I took it.

Carnival Stuff
For local birders

The DC Audubon Society has postponed its Ocean City field trip from tomorrow (Saturday, February 11) to next Saturday, February 18, due to the predicted snowstorm. If you were planning to attend, please take note of the changed date.
