
Thursday, February 16, 2006

I and the Bird #17 and Carnival of the Vanities

I and the Bird #17 is now up at Wildbird on the Fly, a blog written by Amy Hooper, the editor of Wildbird Magazine. Now, I do not read Wildbird, but I do read Amy's blog, which provides a lot of birding stories and links to interesting articles. Today Amy presents us with I and the Bird as a birding festival. Go there to see a collection of great blogging about birds and birding.

Long before there was an I and the Bird, long before there was a Tangled Bank, and even before there was a Carnival of the Capitalists, there was the Carnival of the Vanities. The Carnival of the Vanities first ran in September 2002 - ancient history in blogging years - as a way to celebrate especially good blog entries. Unlike closely-focused carnivals that specialize on a particular topic, the Carnival of the Vanities has only two requirements: that a post be of high quality, and that it be recent, preferably written within the last two weeks.

I am proud to announce that A DC Birding Blog will host the Carnival of the Vanities, next Wednesday, February 22. The deadline for submitting entries is 6 pm on Tuesday. You may use the carnival submission forms at Blog Carnival or Conservative Cat. If you prefer, you may send entries to me directly, at the email address in the left sidebar. (I reserve the right to reject posts that are offensive or inappropriate.)

I would like, if possible, to have a higher-than-usual proportion of submissions related to birds and natural history for 'my' edition of the Carnival of the Vanities. So if regular readers of this blog have good, recently-written entries, please do send them to me. You can submit them to both I and the Bird and Carnival of the Vanities. Unlike the publishing world, there is no rule prohibiting submitting a link to more than one carnival.