
Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Koufax Awards Final Voting

The final round of voting for the 2005 Koufax Awards is now open. For those of you unfamiliar with this process, the Koufax Awards recognize outstanding liberal ("lefty") blogging. As difficult as it was to pick among the nominees in the semi-finals, it will be even harder to pick among the finalists. Rules for voting are here; visit the Wampum blog to vote in the comment threads for the various categories or send them an email.

Categories: Best blog, non-sponsored; Best blog community; Best blog, sponsored/professional; Best series; Best state or local blog; Best group blog; Best writing; Best new blog; Best blog commenter; Most humorous post; Best single issue blog; Best expert blog; Best post; Most humorous blog; Most deserving of wider recognition

Unfortunately it looks like none of my blog-pals who were nominated made it into the finals, but there are still quite a few that I read among the finalists. In any case, take a look through those links; plenty of worthy bloggers listed there.