
Friday, May 12, 2006

International Migratory Bird Day

Tomorrow, May 13, is the 14th International Migratory Bird Day. The event was begun in 1993 to celebrate the millions of birds that travel from southern wintering grounds to their northern breeding grounds every May and to raise awareness of the ecological threats they face.

The USFWS has many suggestions for ways to celebrate the occasion. Some organizations have festivals and other activities dedicated to the event. This year, the New Jersey Audubon Society's World Series of Birding will coincide with International Migratory Bird Day. (Good luck to everyone

In Washington, the DC Audubon Society will be sponsoring its first Birdathon to raise money for the organization. The money we raise through pledges will help us maintain our website, communicate with our members, and support our main local conservation project, the C&O Canal Survey. The object of a birdathon - or "big day" - is this: identify as many species as possible within 24 hours. For this we will limit ourselves to Washington, DC, to highlight the avian diversity that can be found within our urban setting. I will be on one team, along with two other DCAS members. We have invited other birders to challenge us for local bragging rights. If you would like to pledge or donate, email me or see the Birdathon link for details.