
Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Loose Feathers #45

Cerulean Warbler from Wild Republic

News and links about birds, birding, and the environment.
  • Cape Henlopen State Park in Delaware is looking for volunteers to keep watch over piping plover nesting areas. It looks like the training date has passed, but it might be worth contacting them anyway if you are interested. In other piping plover news, Parker River National Wildlife Refuge in Massachusetts is holding its 13th annual Plover and Wildlife Festival on May 20.
  • The New York Times Magazine has 13 Ways of Looking at an Ivory-Billed Woodpecker. It's a good read, and not the usual back-and-forth.
  • But the Memphis Flyer accuses the NYT Magazine of ripping off their story. See their article with the same title from last July.
  • Peregrine falcons nesting at the Wilson Bridge have had problems with eggs disappearing. It is believed that they may have knocked the eggs out of the nest themselves because they were infertile.
  • Rep. Sherwood Boehlert discusses his legacy in Congress on environmental issues.
  • Here are some guidelines for hikers to avoid causing ecological damage in pursuit of their pastime. I think a lot of these are relevant to birders as well.
  • On Sunday, about 20,000 people walked across the eastbound span of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge in the annual celebration of the bay.