
Sunday, June 18, 2006

First Blogiversary

One year ago today I started A DC Birding Blog with this post. After 465 posts, I am still here, and still writing. Since then, this blog has had almost 19,000 visits and over 35,000 page views. This is modest, to be sure, but more than I originally expected.

When I started out, I was unsure if I would be able to keep it going. I had started a blog once before, but never posted after the first post or two. The problem then was that I had no real plan for the blog or ideas for writing. I also think that I did not care sufficiently about the topic to write about it regularly.

This blog, though, has survived. Before I signed up for my account on Blogger I thought about why I wanted to write and what sort of topics I ought to write about. Birding turned out to be a good idea, since I bird regularly, and my birding walks would be a good fodder for writing.

Thanks to my involvement in I and the Bird, this blog has allowed me to interact with the many other bird nuts who inhabit the blogosphere. I won't go into names, since I will probably leave someone out accidently. In the last few months, I have had the pleasure of engaging in a group blogging effort over at the Blue Ridge Gazette, a project that encouraged me to start a new weekly series on this blog, the Birds of the Mid-Atlantic.

For now, at least, my plan is to continue writing this blog with more or less the same features and same types of posts as have been here over the past year. I do hope to add reviews as a regular feature in the near future (as soon as I finish reading a few books!). If there are other types of content that you would like to see here, please leave a note in the comments or drop me an email.
