
Thursday, July 06, 2006

I and the Bird #27

This week is the first anniversary of I and the Bird. To celebrate the occasion, Mike of 10,000 Birds has prepared a special edition on the theme of why we bird, why we blog, and why we blog about birds. Thirty people responded, and the results are in. Go visit I and the Bird #27 to read everyone's answers. (My answer is here.)

I and the Bird is a blog carnival devoted to online writing about birds and birdwatching. Since the carnival was founded, over 150 people have participated, by writing and submitting posts, or by hosting. When I began this blog a little more than a year ago, I had no idea the community was so large. This carnival has done much to introduce bloggers with similar interests.

If you have a blog (or are starting one) and write about birds, consider contributing one of your better posts to a future carnival. The next edition is at Bogbumper on July 20. If you have already submitted at least once, consider hosting. To read more about the rules for each, see here.