
Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Save Teshekpuk Lake

This evening I received an alert from the Wilderness Society regarding the upcoming lease of Teshekpuk Lake in Alaska by the Bureau of Land Management to oil and gas interests. Here is the alert:
As soon as September 27, a very special bird habitat could be sold to the oil and gas industry – unless we act now!

The Teshekpuk Lake region, one of the most important and remarkable wetlands on the planet, provides essential molting-season habitat for nearly a third of all the brant in the Pacific Flyway. Millions of waterfowl, shorebirds and songbirds nest in the area. It is also a stunning sweep of landscape, remarkable even in Alaska where a grand scale is the only scale.

Together, we can protect this critical bird habitat by urging the government to cancel the September 27 sale of this precious public land.

The sale is imminent! Act quickly before it’s too late!
Go here to send a message to Interior Secretary Dick Kempthorne to oppose the lease.