
Friday, February 02, 2007

Loose Feathers #84

News and links about birds, birding, and the environment.
  • The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has released a report that finds stronger evidence of anthropogenic warming. Temperature increases have occurred on the high end of the ranges given by their models. At least the White House has found a solution for global warming. (via RealClimate)
  • Prince William Sound continues to feel effects from the Exxon Valdez spill in 1989. Oil lingers just beneath the surface of the shore, as it has dissipated at a rate of only 3-4% per year. Several species have not recovered their populations completely.
  • Meanwhile, volunteers are doing their best to clean oiled birds from last week's slick near Devon in the U.K. The Devon County Council had discussed the effects of a potential spill only two days before the container ship ran aground.
  • A team of researchers from New Jersey traveled to Tierra del Fuego to monitor red knot flocks on their wintering grounds. You can follow their progress on their blog, The Shorebird Project. See also The Red Knot Expedition (which may be a separate group).
  • Recently there has been some movement on preserving more of the wintering territory of cerulean warblers. See Coffee and Conservation for details.
  • Birders in North Carolina are upset about a naval airfield that will be built within four miles of the Pocosin Lakes NWR, a major wintering spot for waterfowl. Go here to read more about it.
  • A man was recently arrested in Guyana for attempting to smuggle 11 birds to the United States aboard an airplane. It is unfortunate that there is a market here for protected species to encourage such smuggling.