
Saturday, March 17, 2007

Eagles Nesting in Philadelphia

Bald eagles have begun nesting again in Philadelphia.
Pennsylvania Game Commission officials today announced that they have confirmed the first known bald eagle nest in Philadelphia County in more than 200 years. Game Commission Wildlife Conservation Officer (WCO) Jerry Czech, who serves Philadelphia County, reported a bald eagle nest has been located in the City of Brotherly Love, and that Game Commission personnel and volunteers have been monitoring the nest and documenting activity.

"We don't know if the nest will result in the pair successfully breeding and laying eggs yet, but we are very hopeful," said Dan Brauning, Game Commission Wildlife Diversity Supervisor, and a native of Philadelphia. "Each year, about 20 percent of Pennsylvania's eagle nests fail for reasons such as disturbances, predators and harsh weather. However, our confirmation of an eagle nest within the Philadelphia City limits demonstrates the resilience of this species and its apparent growing tolerance to human activity. This find is an historic moment that returns some of Pennsylvania's native wildlife to the doorstep of its largest city."

Brauning said that Game Commission officials will not reveal the exact location of the nest site to avoid drawing unnecessary attention and possible disturbance to the nest.
In 2006, 116 bald eagle nests were recorded in the state of Pennsylvania.

Addendum: More coverage from the Inquirer.