
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I and the Bird #45

It is time again for I and the Bird, the biweekly carnival that presents the best of bird blogging. This week it is hosted by Journey Through Grace, written by a blogger who is not an avid birder, but a bird lover nonetheless. Go there for I and the Bird #45, the 45th birthday party.

If you blog regularly about birds and have not done so already, please consider contributing to future editions. (Your blog need not be strictly about birds to contribute a post.) The next edition will be hosted at lovely, dark, and deep. Beyond the next edition, the carnival needs more hosts, preferably people who have not hosted before. If you would like to give hosting a try, visit here and here to get an idea of what is involved. Hosting, by the way, is a great way to let other bird bloggers know about your blog and to learn about blogs that you did not know existed.