
Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Waterbirds in Trouble

BirdLife just released a report on the state on the world's waterbirds:

“Waterbirds are highly susceptible to man-made change because the wetlands they inhabit are often densely populated and intensely utilised. Many of these species are long-distance migrants meaning that their protection requires coordinated action by international networks of conservationists," said Birdlife International’s Mike Crosby, who co-authored the paper, Threatened waterbird species in eastern and southern Asia and actions needed for their conservation, one of over 200 papers in Waterbirds around the world.

“The book contains a wealth of information and case studies about waterbirds and wetlands and the conservation actions needed to ensure they can be afforded protection,” said Crosby.

Further information on the book is available here. That site has the report in pdf format, if anyone wants to dig into it more deeply. It covers the conservation problems on most major flyways, in the Americas, in Eurasia, and in Africa.