
Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Rock Creek Park Bioblitz on the Blogs

Here is some coverage of last weekend's bioblitz at Rock Creek Park.

Cyndy at FieldMarking reports on the findings of her herp survey team. Her post includes photographs of a spotted salamander and a lovely slime mold. See also her post on the identification challenges posed by many of the specimens and the technology used to record them.

Flickr user Odephoto has photos from the bioblitz here and here.

NWF's Arctic Promise blog describes hunting for insects along the creek.

Eastern Screech Owl
Photo by Mark Christmas / ©2007 National Geographic

The organizers of the bioblitz were liveblogging during the event. If you did not catch the posts, you can find them all here. A special highlight is a photograph of an eastern screech owl that we found on the second shift. The photo is reproduced above. As of the last post, the species count was at 666.

I wrote my own post on the search for nocturnal birds and my warbler watching the next morning. I also have a second post specifically about the owl prowl published on the DC Audubon website.

See also the coverage in the Washington Post. That article focuses on the educational aspects of the event.