News and links about birds, birding, and the environment
- Mixed species flocks improve the health of conifers by removing insects that damage the trees. A study of mountain chickadees, red-breasted nuthatches, pygmy nuthatches, and yellow-rumped warblers in ponderosa pines found that trees where flocks were excluded with netting had 18 percent less foliage and 34 percent less wood growth at the end of the study period.
- After dead birds appeared at Metro stations on Sunday, the District of Columbia is considering alternate ways to keep birds away from stations.
- Scientific American explains that birds are unlikely to abandon their young due to human touch, but that it is a good idea to refrain from disturbing their nests anyway.
- From Berkeley, we have a reminder that rodenticides can kill birds of prey if a raptor eats a poisoned rodent.
- eBird has developed a tool to receive rare bird alerts through iGoogle. The alerts are based on recent rare bird records entered into the eBird database.
- A forest fire in northern Michigan may improve habitat for Kirtland's Warblers.
A backyard in Northern Ireland is home to two albino house sparrows.
- The National Zoo in DC used a telemetric egg to measure the temperature of eggs incubated by a captive endangered kori bustard and how frequently the mother turned the eggs.
- A federal judge ruled that a timber company cannot log four parcels of land that contain spotted owl nesting habitat.
- The piping plover population has increased by 141 perecent over the past two decades thanks to an aggressive recovery and protection program.
- Other piping plover news: botulism in Wisconsin; nesting problems on Prince Edward Island; two additional chicks at Gordon's Pond (DE); and the end of beach closures for 2007 at Cape Cod. Also, residents of New Brunswick, Canada, erected their own barrier to keep ATVs off the beach, despite the objection of government officials.
- The White House plans to veto legislation that funds Everglades restoration.
- DC Audubon: TRAVEL BLOG-- Australia
- GrrlScientist: Steroids Influence Brain Growth in Songbirds
- Birdchick: First Bird Blogging Conference
- Invasive Species Weblog: Hy Five
- Friday Ark #150
- Festival of the Trees #14
- Circus of the Spineless #23
- Tangled Bank #85
- Birds in the News #93