Bird News
- Bills to ban the horseshoe crab harvest have been introduced in the New Jersey Senate and Assembly.
- Drilling for oil in Alaska's Chukchi Sea threatens several species of conservation concern, such as the critically endangered Kittlitz's Murrelet, the vulnerable Steller's Eider, and the near threatened Ivory Gull, as well as several large seabird colonies.
- A study of American redstarts showed that where songbirds spend their first winter influences where they breed the following summer. Birds that wintered in rich habitat migrated earlier in the spring and chose southern breeding territories, while those that wintered in poorer habitat had to wait longer to migrate and fly farther north to breed.
- The proposed budget for the Fish and Wildlife Service is $36 million higher than last year and includes a hike in the cost of duck stamps, from $15 to $25, to pay for additional habitat acquisition.
Researchers in Britain have developed technology for tracking the movements of animals that may be affected by climate change. The technology was tested on a colony of Manx Shearwaters.
- The RSPB is producing maps showing sensitive areas where wind farm development could put birds at risk.
- Twenty-three cedar waxwings died after getting stuck in pigeon repellant.
An unusually high number of birds have been killed along mountain roads in Washington state this winter. The suspected cause is disorientation from eating salt and deicing chemicals applied to the roads.
- Here is a description of "the loopy dance of the Reddish Egret."
Police in Scotland are warning drivers to watch the road instead of large, spectacular flocks of starlings (pictured right).
- Some swallowtail caterpillars disguise themselves as bird droppings.
- The Smithsonian is seeking entries in a contest called What's Your Smithsonian Story? The prize is a free Contributing Membership.
- BirdLife is running a photo contest for next year's rare birds yearbook.
- The new Bird Watch Radio features interviews with birders.
- BBC's World on the Move follows migrations of many species from several classes, including a number of birds. (Via Aydin)
- Birdchick: Sometimes Being Hard and Bulbous Can Be In Your Favor
- 10,000 Birds: A Great Backyard Bird Count Miracle
- Hawk Owl's Nest: New Jersey GBBC Observations
- Drinking Bird: The Tale of one Young Birder (and how it applies to others)
- Wildbird: Public comments sought about Brown Pelican delisting
- Susan Gets Native: Sticky Hawk ID
- Brandon's Birding Blog: Purple Finches!
- Greenland's ice sheet is melting faster than expected.
- In response to studies showing harmful effects of biofuels, the U.K. is reviewing its biofuel policies.
- Friday Ark #179
- I and the Bird #69
- Carnival of Cities
- The Boneyard #13
- Tangled Bank #99
- Birds in the News #119