
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Three Years

I neglected to mention yesterday that it was this blog's blogoversary, though some readers noticed the marker at the bottom of the page. Bird blogging has changed tremendously in the last three years. When I wrote my first post, I knew of only a handful of other bird blogs; now there are hundreds. (Mike Bergin's Nature Blog Network lists 344 blogs, and I am sure that there are others out there.) There are also more professional birders with blogs than three years ago. Some blogs that I really enjoyed have since stopped publishing, or disappeared entirely; other new sites have taken their places.

This blog has also changed its focus. I originally conceived it as a way to write more expansively about my field birding. Since then bird and environmental news has gradually taken over and is now the main topic that I write about. Within the last year, the blog also survived a change in my location, from DC to New Jersey.

Here are a few highlights from the last year: