
Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Sparrow Influx

As I walked into one of the blind sites yesterday morning, I was met by flocks of sparrows. All around me there were dozens of swamp sparrows. They were joined by smaller numbers of savannah sparrows, song sparrows, and even a possible Lincoln's sparrow. Oddly enough, Morning Flight did not pick up a sparrow movement at all, which makes me wonder if these sparrows were new overnight arrivals, or ones that have been hanging around a few days longer. Whenever they arrived, I am glad they are here because I love sparrows, especially swamp sparrows. While cycling towards the site, I thought I heard a kinglet calling from the side of the road, but I passed too quickly for a sure ID.

Unfortunately my Cape May roadkill list has gotten longer in the last few days. Yesterday I added swamp sparrow, and the day before I found a northern parula.