
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Desired Life Bird Meme

Corey at 10,000 Birds asks for everyone's top five desired life birds. This is a question I have answered before, but since I have seen some of those, and since some priorities have changed, the list could use some updating. Given that my life list is relatively short (I only passed 300 earlier this year), it is hard to narrow a wish list down to just five, but here is a try (subject, of course, to future revision).
  1. Northern Goshawk – I had a few possible/probable goshawk sightings in Cape May, but what I would really like is one I can confirm with my own eyes.
  2. Golden-winged Warbler – This is the last of the widespread eastern warblers (i.e., excepting Kirtland's) that I have not seen.
  3. Any Crossbill – I have long been fascinated by the idea that a bird's mandibles could cross without the cause being a genetic defect. (Perhaps this winter?)
  4. Any Godwit – These are pretty cool looking birds and have impressive migrations.
  5. Painted Bunting – Like the crossbills, it looks like something that should not exist in nature (more like a color scheme I would have concocted when I was five).
I am not tagging anyone, but if you want to pick up the meme, go right ahead.