
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Top 8 Nature Moments of 2008

This meme seems to be making the rounds again (see here, here, also here), so here are my top nature moments of 2008.
  1. Working with raptors in Cape May – not really a "moment" but still the top nature-related experience of the past year.
  2. Seeing a Golden Eagle for the first time (up really close).
  3. Seeing a Scott's Oriole in Union Square – my 300th life bird!
  4. Watching a flock of redpolls.
  5. Participating in the 10th C&O Canal Count.
  6. Waiting for Short-eared Owls in Franklin Twp.
  7. Watching Peregrines slicing through wind and rain.
  8. Participating in the Lower Hudson and Raritan Estuary CBCs.
It is not really a "nature moment," but this event got the year off to a good start.

See also my top nature moments of 2007.