
Saturday, March 21, 2009

Birds of the Spring Equinox

I am in the Cape May area this weekend, so I did my first spring birding down here. It was a very strange day in South Jersey yesterday. While some portions were pleasant, the nicer bits were interspersed with a selection of snow, sleet, hail, and rain. Plus it was very cold. So that made birding a bit difficult, especially in any exposed areas, like the Avalon Jetty.

Birds of note included Horned Lark and Piping Plover at Stone Harbor Point, a flyover Osprey at Cape May NWR's Songbird Trail (i.e., off Kimbles Beach Rd.), plus a few dozen Yellow-rumped Warblers and a FOY Pine Warbler at the same location. FOY Eastern Phoebes were also around, at Cape May NWR's Songbird Trail and Woodcock Trail.

I added my list for today to Birdstack in addition to eBird since they are running a "Birds of the Equinox" project. The list should appear below; if not, you can follow the link.