
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Upcoming Blog Carnivals

Three upcoming blog carnivals that may be of interest to readers of this blog have imminent deadlines.

First, I and the Bird submissions are due by the end of today, at Great Auk or Greatest Auk. Any blog posts related to wild birds or birding are welcome.

Second, GrrlScientist has been trying to revive the long-dormant Circus of the Spineless for several months, and recently announced a new edition to appear at her blog on April 6. Submissions for this carnival are due within the next week. Topics may include photos or essays on any type of invertebrate.

Third, the same blogger is starting a new carnival, Scientia, as a replacement to the equally dormant Tangled Bank, the oldest science and nature blogging carnival. The new carnival will appear on the first and third Mondays of each month, starting on April 6.