
Thursday, March 05, 2009

Upcoming Film on Rachel Carson in DC

This might interest readers in Washington, DC:
Rachel Carson's Silent Spring, published in 1962, inspired our
nation's most comprehensive legislative protections of the natural
world. Now, her story reaches the big screen. Join The D.C.
Environmental Film Festival, Sense of Wonder Productions, and the
National Women's History Project as we celebrate the release of the
new Rachel Carson film, A Sense of Wonder, in a one-night-only special
screening at The Smithsonian's National Portrait Gallery.

Washington, D.C.
March 18, 2009 at 7:00 pm

The National Portrait Gallery
Donald W. Reynolds Center for America Art and Portraiture, Nan Tucker
McEvoy Auditorium
Eighth & F Streets, NW (Link to Map)

Appearances by Actress Kaiulani Lee and Special Guests!

For more information, visit

About the Film:

When pioneering environmentalist Rachel Carson published Silent Spring
in 1962, the backlash from her critics thrust her into the center of a
political maelstrom. In A SENSE OF WONDER, actress Kaiulani Lee
embodies this extraordinary woman, portraying Carson in the final year
of her life. Intimate and poignant, this 55-minute, documentary-style
film is a reflection of Carson as she emerges as America's most
successful advocate for the natural world.