
Monday, September 21, 2009

Moth Night Links and a Recipe

In case you are not already tired of reading posts about East Brunswick's Moth Night, here is one more. The Sentinel, a local newspaper decided to cover the event.
Sugaring is at least an age-old tradition for moth hunters. It was started in New England as a way of capturing different species that were then put in jars containing ether, and pinned to boards for study. Fortunately for moths in East Brunswick, the goal of Moth Night is observation, not capture.

In addition to sugaring, the environmental group brought a bright light and a generator to keep it on. They hung a broad white sheet between two trees, placed the light behind it and created the perfect backdrop for observing moths and any other flying insects.

As the darkness deepened, more people arrived and Moskowitz set off down the trail, leading everyone in a single file to inspect the sugared trees. There were retired couples, college students, and parents with children, who were frequently reminded to stay on the trail and watch out for the poison ivy.
David Moskowitz, one of the event's coordinators, shares his recipe for attracting moths. I can vouch that the recipe was effective in drawing moths and very aromatic, in a sickly sweet sort of way.

Finally, here is a moth that I found this weekend, rather than at Moth Night. It is not fully in focus, which makes identification a bit of a challenge. The forewing markings seem similar to an Isabella Tiger Moth, though its posture and the color of the hindwing do not seem to fit quite as well. I will post an update here if I figure out its identity. Seabrooke suggests that it may be a Gold-striped Leaftier Moth, which does seem like a better fit than Isabella Tiger Moth.