
Monday, January 18, 2010

Ice and Leaves

As I mentioned in a previous post, I spent much of the past weekend birding in South Jersey. The last place where we stopped was the Glades Wildlife Refuge near Fortescue. The refuge mostly consists of tidal saltmarsh, and much of it is only accessible by boat. The refuge has one patch of very swampy woods along Fortescue Road; a trail winds through these woods out to the marsh, where there is a small observation tower.

The woods are very wet, with extensive pools or puddles. Even the trail was under water in many places. On Saturday, the standing water was mostly frozen.

Last fall's leaves are now encased in ice with a mix of interesting colors and patterns.

The last is probably my favorite of my leaf photos from this trip. You can see the others on my Flickr account. Clicking through the images above will show the photos on black.