
Saturday, March 13, 2010

Update on the Bahamas Piping Plovers

Piping Plover at Little Talbot Island / Photo by Pat Leary

One of the color-marked Piping Plovers from Andros Island in the Bahamas has been resighted. The bird pictured above was captured and banded on February 17 on Andros Island. Pat and Doris Leary found it while birding at Little Talbot Island in Duval County, Florida, on March 12. This bird was the last plover to be marked and the first to be resighted. From Andros Island to Little Talbot Island is about 440 miles by air.

I did not see any plovers while I was at Sandy Hook last weekend, but I will be watching for them when I am at coastal spots. For updates on the plover marking project (and other bird banding activity), follow the CVWO First Landing blog.