
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Return of Some Distinctive Moths

Last week I gathered moths at the back porch light again. Here are some of the moths that showed up.

This is a Yellow-fringed Dolichomia (Dolichomia olinalis). This is the second visit I have had from one of these moths; the first was in late June. Larvae of this species feed on oaks, which are plentiful in my neighborhood. One thing I have learned in my short time mothing is to look for distinctively-patterned moths shaped like this one in the Pyraloidea. That helped me identify the Pondside Pyralid Moth relatively quickly on Sunday.

Another return visitor was the Small Mossy Lithacodia (Lithacodia musta). The last visitor from this species was in early June. I really like the green and brown patterns on this moth species.

I have seen Celery Leaftiers (Udea rubigalis) in other places, but this one was new for the yard.

Green Cloverworm Moths (Hypena scabra) are very common in this area. Last week I had three in one night. Their triangular shape combined with the triangular dark patches on their wings make them easy to recognize.

Florida Tetanolita (Tetanolita floridana) was a new species for me. Tetanolita moths appear very similar to the Renia moths that I encounter frequently, but they lack black dots with the orange spots on their forewings.

In addition to these, there were three Ailanthus Webworm Moths and a few micromoths that I have not identified yet.