
Saturday, October 02, 2010

Damselflies from Cape May

In addition to the masses of buckeyes and other butterflies, there were quite a few dragonflies and damselflies active in the marshes. Cape May usually sees a fair amount of southward migration from dragonflies, particularly Common Green Darners. Dragonflies are drawn to the cape for the same reasons that birds and migratory butterflies are: prevailing winds pushes migrants towards the coast, and southern New Jersey's geography funnels them towards the point. I was not very successful in photographing dragonflies because they insisted on flying around instead of perching nicely where I could shoot them. However, I did photograph a few damselflies.

The first is a forktail. I think this is a female Rambur's Forktail based on the orange thorax and the lack of a black shoulder stripe.

The second is a species I have posted here before, Familiar Bluet. I saw quite a few of these around Cape May Point State Park and the Meadows.

The third is one I have not identified yet. The posture suggests a spreadwing, but the markings suggest a bluet, possibly Familiar Bluet. I would be inclined to go with markings over posture, but I am going to try to find some more information before settling on an identification for it.