
Monday, December 27, 2010

My Best Photos of 2010

Inspired partly by Flickr's Your Best Shot 2010 group and partly by posts I have seen on other blogs, I decided to put together an end-of-year blog post with some of my better photos. I decided to pick one photo per month, since photographic subjects change throughout the year. Some months are good for snow photos, others for flowers, other for insects, etc. Some months were harder to choose than others because the number of photos I took and posted to Flickr varied so much – from a low of 27 in May to a high of 146 in September. Photos link through to Flickr in case you want to see larger sizes; I added text links to blog posts if I wrote a post about the photo's subject.

January: From the C&O Canal in western Maryland.

February: My local patch after a snowstorm.

March: A pier in North Cape May, near where I saw a Black-headed Gull.

April: Double Bloodroot at Leonard Buck Gardens.

May: Pyramidian, a sculpture by Mark di Suvero at Storm King Art Center. May was the last month I used my old Canon A520, which died while I was photographing moths.

June: Red Milkweed Beetles at Griggstown Grasslands. By June I had switched to a Panasonic FZ-35, my current camera.

July: A flower-like fireworks burst on Independence Day.

August: Cicada Killer with a cicada at Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge. I think this is my favorite photo from the year, though the bloodroot and a few others are close behind.

September: A Red-banded Hairstreak in the backyard.

October: Greenhouse Camel Cricket in my town's environmental center.

November: The sun's reflection in the waters of the D&R Canal near Griggstown.

December: A total lunar eclipse on the winter solstice.