
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Goldfinch at Breakfast

The Great Backyard Bird Count may be over, but there are still plenty of birds in the backyard. Aside from the American Goldfinch in the photo above, there were lots of Dark-eyed Juncos, Common Grackles, and House Finches around yesterday. The weirdest sight was a White-breasted Nuthatch carrying something bigger than its head. It might have been a piece of suet, though I am not sure how one would fit that much through the bars of the suet cage. It probably was not a whole peanut since there are not any at these feeders or in the neighbor's yard. I guess that will remain a mystery.

As with the rest of my bird sightings, I entered those into eBird. Over several years, I have built up a substantial yard list of 68 species. There are probably more that missed or forgot to record.