
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Great Backyard Bird Count: Day 2 #GBBC

Yesterday morning I did some birding for the Great Backyard Bird Count. Unfortunately, it was extremely windy, and that wind suppressed a lot of bird activity, especially songbird activity and activity in open areas. Gulls did not seem particularly bothered by the wind. They just hunkered down in an open field or played in the wind. Crows, too, seemed to find the wind to their liking. Not many other birds braved the gusts, though. Some Canada Geese and Common Mergansers flew over, but they seemed to have some trouble keeping their formations aligned. Songbirds stayed under cover. I heard a few recognizable cheeps coming from the bushes, but none of their sources popped into view.

There are still two days left for the Great Backyard Bird Count, so there is still time to record and submit checklists if you have not done so already. If you are curious about what birds have been reported so far, you can explore the results on the GBBC website.