
Saturday, March 26, 2011

A Canada Goose from Canada

A little more than a month ago, I found a Canada Goose wearing an orange neck collar in Donaldson Park. I photographed the goose and reported the number on its collar, "H8W1," to the Bird Banding Laboratory. It appears that all four geese in that image are wearing leg bands, but I was not able to get clear photos of any of them, except for the large neck collar. Yesterday I received a certificate of appreciation from the Bird Banding Laboratory, and it included some information about the goose. It was banded near Boucherville, Quebec, in July 2008; when it was banded, it was too young to fly. Boucherville is just northeast of Montreal, about 400 miles north of here. So unlike most of the geese I have reported, this goose had to cross international boundaries to get here.