
Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Few Tulip Photos and a Link

Tulips are blooming in this area, so I took advantage of that over the past few days to photograph a few of them.

I am not sure whether the one immediately above or the one immediately below is my favorite of the bunch.

I do not have many birds to report right now as the weather patterns have not been favorable for migration into central New Jersey. However, I did see my first Chimney Swifts of the season last night, and there has been a steady trickle of birds. Swallow-tailed Kites have been reported in a few places around the state, including some in central New Jersey, so I guess I should watch the skies here more frequently. 

Since today is Easter, I thought it would be an appropriate time to post this link about a bird that is a seasonal visitor to our area. See this link to learn more about their life history and behavior.