Daffodils have been blooming for several weeks now, but different varieties keep appearing. This one is particularly striking, with an orange center and white outer petals.
A lot of trees are in bloom, with more to come. This one is a Norway maple.
These tiny flowers were blooming in the mown lawn-type fields in my local patch. I doubt that the stems were taller than three inches. I think it is whitlow grass, a type of mustard, probably Draba verna.
Here is a closer view of the flower.
Flowers like this were growing among the whitlow grass. At first I thought they were the same species, but when I noticed that they had a different number of petals (four for whitlow grass vs. five for this one), I reconsidered that idea. I now think that it is probably mouse-ear chickweed (Cerastium vulgatum). I was interested to find this because two years ago, I found a Chickweed Geometer in the same location.