
Tuesday, May 03, 2011

I and the Bird

I and the Bird #149 is now online at Twin Cities Naturalist. Go there for a collection of bird-related blog posts submitted by their authors.

I am sad to say that this will be the last I and the Bird. The blog carnival's first edition was in July 2005 when the bird blogosphere was still very young. Mike Bergin founded it as a way for bird bloggers to find each other and promote each other's best writing. For a long time, it succeeded in those goals. Enthusiastic participation helped I and the Bird outlive many other prominent blog carnivals, such as Carnival of the Vanities and The Tangled Bank. Lately, however, it has been harder to find hosts, submissions have fallen off, and the traffic generated by each carnival has decreased as well. Carnivals simply do not have as much importance in the blogosphere of 2011 as they did in the blogosphere of 2005.

Read Mike's eulogy for I and the Bird for more on his decision. See the I and the Bird page to look through the past editions.