
Monday, May 09, 2011

Invertebrates at Bowman's Hill

A woodland with as many native wildflowers as Bowman's Hill Wildflower Preserve is going to attract lots of invertebrates, and that was the case on Saturday. One azalea bush in particular was a magnet for pollinators. I saw my first Monarch of the year drinking from one of its flowers. This individual looks a little worn and faded, so it might have migrated from further south. There were a few other butterflies around it too, including a Juniper Hairstreak and a Spicebush Swallowtail.

Bees were around the azalea flowers, too, including this sweat bee (probably Augochlora pura). There were a few other bees, including some bumble bee species, visiting the flowers as well. The bush also attracted the first Hummingbird Clearwing moth I have seen this year.

This Six-spotted Tiger Beetle was basking in the bright sunlight on the stone bridge.

This fishing spider (probably Dolomedes vittatus) was on a rock at the edge of a small stream. I am not sure if it was there to bask in the sunlight or if it was waiting for prey to come along. Perhaps it was a bit of both.