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Horned Lark. Photo by USFWS / Tony Hough. |
- The US Fish and Wildlife Service is coordinating a spring migration blitz to look for migrating Rusty Blackbirds. Please participate if Rusty Blackbirds occur in your area.
- The boundary between the ranges of Black-capped and Carolina Chickadees has been moving north by about 0.7 miles per year, which matches the rate of warming temperatures.
- The small genomes of birds and bats seem to be caused by the intense metabolic activity needed for flight.
- Many female songbirds sing, but most species with singing females are in the Southern Hemisphere.
- A new bird family (Elachuridae) was proposed for the spotted wren-babbler. Here is the journal abstract.
- Scott Weidensaul has an article on this year's Snowy Owl irruption.
- Individual birds have preferences for moving left or right to fly around obstacles.
- National Geographic suggests five Bald Eagle nest cams to follow.
- One of the first White-tailed Eagles to be bred in Ireland as part of a reintroduction program was found dead from gunshot wounds.
- The American Bird Conservancy and Black Swamp Bird Observatory are fighting a window development planned on the Ohio coast of Lake Erie. The area is one of the prime migration corridors in North America, particularly for warblers and other songbirds.
- The Loom: The Information Parasites
- ABA Blog: Cagey Birds
- The Meadowlands Nature Blog: Red-tail vs. Opossum along Disposal Road
- Not Exactly Rocket Science: The Supergene That Paints a Liar
- Zoologic: The Creature Feature: 10 Fun Facts About the Kakapo
- Birding Is Fun!: Do Mute Swans Migrate in North America?
- Tails of Birding: A Murder of Crows
- The Smaller Majority: Tough as nails
- Wayne Maddison's blog: Ants and their lookalikes from the Dominican Republic
- Extinction Countdown: Endangered Falcon Lives Fast, Dies Young in Response to Habitat Loss
- Pseudoscorpions in neotropical rainforests sometimes cling to the backs of beetles to move from one location to another.
- Deserts are home to numerous threatened or endangered species.
- Fragrant conifer forests such as the boreal forest produce aerosols that can induce cloud formation and reflect sunlight.
- While Congress dithers, businesses are already starting to take climate change into consideration for long-term planning.
- This year's drought has worsened air pollution in California. Meanwhile the recent rains gave Los Angeles reservoirs a 6-billion-gallon infusion.
- Various assessments have underestimated the toxic PAH chemicals present in tars sands oil.
- The prime minister of Australia thinks that too much habitat is protected.
- The sea otter population off the coast of Alaska has finally recovered from the Exxon Valdez spill.
- The NJ legislature may move a bill to allow more prescribed burns; a similar bill was vetoed in the last session.