
Friday, December 21, 2018

Loose Feathers #677

Sedge Wren / Photo by Alex Galt/USFWS
Birds and birding news
Science and nature blogging
Conservation and biodiversity
Climate change and environmental politics
  • The Trump administration is speeding ahead with preparations for drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and expects to start selling leases next year. At least one million acres will become available for development.
  • A new international agreement created a rulebook for implementing the Paris agreement on climate change.
  • A Trump voter who works at the National Butterfly Center is upset that Trump will destroy the refuge to build his wall.
  • This year was the third-warmest year on record in the Gulf of Maine, with widespread effects on marine life.
  • Canada still refuses to require environmental assessments for in-situ oil mining projects.
  • Climate change, particularly sea-level rise, would disrupt Amtrak's Northeast Corridor, according to internal documents.