
Friday, January 04, 2019

Loose Feathers #679

Ring-billed Gull / my photo
Birds and birding news
  • Last year, there were 185 active Bald Eagle nests in New Jersey, and they produced 172 young. About half of the state's nests were located in the Delaware Bay region. You can read the report of the New Jersey Bald Eagle Project here (pdf).
  • At the Magellanic Penguin breeding colony at Punta Tombo in Argentina, males outnumber females by about three to one, most likely because females are more likely than males to die at sea. Their death rate seems to be tied to a serious population decline.
  • Audubon covers the birding possibilities in the Red Dead Redemption video game.
  • A proposed conservation area for the endangered Black-throated Finch in Australia sits on top of a proposed coal mine, which raises questions about how serious the conservation plan is.
Science and nature blogging
Conservation and biodiversity
Climate change and environmental politics