
Friday, May 15, 2020

Loose Feathers #749

Red-headed Woodpecker / Photo by Jessica Bolser/USFWS
Birds and birding news
Science and nature blogging
Biodiversity and conservation
Climate change and environmental politics
  • The EPA declined to restrict perchlorate, a chemical linked to fetal brain damage, despite a court order requiring them to do so. Regulation was opposed by the defense industry since the chemical is used in rocket fuel.
  • The Trump administration approved permits for a large solar array that would destroy habitat for the endangered Desert Tortoise. While renewable energy is preferable, placing energy developments in intact desert habitat is counterproductive and could be avoided by building solar arrays in areas that are already disturbed.
  • The crowding of public spaces during coronavirus lockdowns shows the need for preserving more parkland to allow people to spread out, especially in and near urban areas. 
  • A set of lawsuits is challenging the Trump administration's rules to weaken enforcement of the Endangered Species Act.
  • The EPA is maintaining an outdated standard for air pollution despite the health risks.
  • Most plastics collected in recycling bins are not recycled, and most of what is reused is actually downcycled. Fixing the waste problem will require more systemic changes, like bans on single-use plastics or requiring plastic manufacturers to be responsible for plastic waste.
  • A review paper suggests ways to protect both wolves and livestock, by making sure wolves have enough wild prey and keeping livestock fenced-in and under supervision.