I and the Bird #29 is up at Alis Volat Propriis. Join Leigh as she takes her readers on a bird blogging vacation. As usual, there is plenty of good writing. My own offering is my post from last week about ovenbirds.
If you have a blog and write at least occasionally about birds, consider submitting one of your own posts to I and the Bird. The next edition will be August 17 at Burning Silo.
Carnival of the Vanities #202 has been posted at Eteraz and features one of my posts. That carnival is looking for a host for next week, and the next month beyond. Contact Zeuswood for details if you are interested in hosting it.
Also, the second Festival of the Trees is up at Roundrock Journal. Festival of the Trees celebrates blog posts about trees, including writing, artwork, and photography. This carnival is monthly, with editions appearing at the beginning of each month. The next, around September 1, will be at Burning Silo.