Cape May Warbler / Photo by Steve Maslowski (USFWS)
News and links about birds, birding, and the environment.
- BirdLife International recently updated its Red List of threatened species. It found that 1,221 species are threatened with extinction. Another 812 are considered to be near-threatened. That means that a fifth of the world's bird species require conservation action. Fact sheets on all 10,000 species are available here.
- A group of palaeontologists has challenged the claim that fibers preserved on a fossil Sinosauropteryx represent early feathers. [Full article (pdf)]
Mispillion Harbor in Delaware has a new nature center. The center focuses on the ecology of the Delaware estuary, particularly shorebirds and horseshoe crabs. Also in Delaware, a total of six piping plover pairs are nesting at Cape Henlopen.
- Maryland's Board of Public Works stopped a planned housing development on Kent Island due to concerns about the 1350-home project's impact on wetlands and the Chesapeake Bay.
- Peregrine falcons have hatched chicks on top of the Throgs Neck Bridge in New York City. Currently there are 16 pairs of peregrines raising chicks in the city.
- Cormorant control is on the agenda in Toronto and northeastern Michigan.
- Least terns are suffering a sharp decline in Florida's Tampa region. Conservationists are asking businesses to provide gravel roofs for nesting.
- An oil spill in England is threatening the lives of many birds, including a pair of avocets, a species which rarely breeds in northeastern England.
- Here are 10 ways to attract birds to your yard.
- The final results for invertebrates on the Blogger Bioblitz are available. Other taxa are on the way.
- See my roundup of coverage of the Rock Creek Park Bioblitz.
- 10,000 Birds: Bicknell's v. Gray-cheeked
- Big Spring Birds: Pizza and Free Beer
- Some more big day posts: The City Birding Challenge (City Birder), Central New Mexico Birdathon (It's a bird thing...), plus results from a DC Big Day
- Flatbush Gardener: Native Alternatives to Invasive Plants
- Gulf Coast Bird Observatory: Another aspect to the "border fence"
- milkriverblog: bird quiz
- The Nemesis Bird: 10 Ways to See More Birds
- Drawing the Motmot: Any Art in a Storm
- Birds Etcetera: Avian Dissenter (birds are perceptive!)